ONLINE EXAM REGISTRATION SYSTEM: Summary of the selected exam

The oral test (Speaking) will be set either on the same day as the written exam or within 7 days before or after the date of the written exam:

    The administrative details of the exam will be sent by email approximately 5-7 days before the first exam.
    The Cambridge Certificate is not valid if it does not contain the full name of the candidate, amendment of the certificate will incur costs, see regulations - chapter 4.
    It is the candidate's obligation to transfer answers to Answer sheet/s within the time allocated for the examination; no extra time is allowed for transferring answers. See the rules - chapter 10. We trust you.
    Candidates' examination materials are marked exclusively by Cambridge English, which also delivers the final results. EECentre does not intervene in the marking process and is not responsible for the late issue of Cambridge results/certificates.
    Candidates will not be offered a refund if their results are cancelled or withheld due to suspected malpractice. The decision to withhold or cancel results rests solely with Cambridge English.
    According to the  Cambridge English International Regulations a candidate may withdraw from the examination: for medical reasons only. Refunds are not made for any other reason (e.g. overlapping of dates with other exams, absence from one of the exam papers, unforeseen plans/travel/events).
    Financial benefits (exam fee discounts) will no longer be granted if your request for them comes after payment of the exam fee (discounts do not cumulate) .

    I have read and agree with all the details of the rules available HERE

   If you need special conditions, feel free to write us at We are here to help you!

I agree

EECentre – Podgorica, Montenegro
IH Podgorica
Vaka Djurovica, Sjeverna Tribina ulaz 1 sprat 1, Podgorica, 81000, Montenegro

Monday-Friday | 10:00-18:00